Public Bank, a complete one-stop financial portal, offering a range of accounts, credit cards, loans, deposits and other financial aids for our personal and commercial customers. Rates & Charges Deposit Interest Rates. Fixed Deposit Fixed Deposit. Safe Way to Accumulate Your Wealth. Flexible deposit periods (from 24-hour call to 12-month fixed term) Overdraft facilities at competitive interest rates; Currencies available. PB eFixed Deposit Account Watch your cash grow and earn competitive interest rates. Here's what PB eFixed Deposit Account offers you: Ease of opening account for individual customers (Malaysians.

Updated OCT 2020

Public Bank Fixed Deposit (PLUS Fixed Deposit Rates)

Tenure(Months) | BOARD RATES % (p.a.) |
1 mth | 1.70% |
2 mths | 1.70% |
3 mth | 1.75% |
4 mths | 1.75% |
5 mth | 1.75% |
6 mths | 1.80% |
7 mth | 1.80% |
8 mths | 1.80% |
9 mth | 1.80% |
10 mths | 1.80% |
11 mth | 1.80% |
12 mths | 1.85% |
13-60 mth | Negotiable |
PB Golden 50 PLUS Fixed Deposit
Tenure(Months) | BOARD RATES % (p.a.) |
1 mth | 1.80% |
2 mths | 1.80% |
3 mth | 1.85% |
4 mths | 1.85% |
5 mth | 1.85% |
6 mths | 1.90% |
7 mth | 1.90% |
8 mths | 1.90% |
9 mth | 1.90% |
10 mths | 1.90% |
11 mth | 1.90% |
12 mths | 1.95% |
15 mth | 1.95% |
18 mth | 1.95% |
24 mth | 1.95% |
36 mth | 1.95% |
48 mth | 1.95% |
60 mth | 1.95% |
PB eFixed Deposit Rates
Tenure(Months) | BOARD RATES % (p.a.) |
1 mth | 1.70% |
2 mths | 1.70% |
3 mth | 1.75% |
4 mths | 1.75% |
5 mth | 1.75% |
6 mths | 1.80% |
7 mth | 1.80% |
8 mths | 1.80% |
9 mth | 1.80% |
10 mths | 1.80% |
11 mth | 1.80% |
12 mths | 1.85% |
15 mth | 1.85% |
18 mth | 1.85% |
24 mth | 1.85% |
36 mth | 1.85% |
48 mth | 1.85% |
60 mth | 1.85% |
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