Public Bank Fixed Deposit Rate

Public Bank, a complete one-stop financial portal, offering a range of accounts, credit cards, loans, deposits and other financial aids for our personal and commercial customers. Rates & Charges Deposit Interest Rates. Fixed Deposit Fixed Deposit. Safe Way to Accumulate Your Wealth. Flexible deposit periods (from 24-hour call to 12-month fixed term) Overdraft facilities at competitive interest rates; Currencies available. PB eFixed Deposit Account Watch your cash grow and earn competitive interest rates. Here's what PB eFixed Deposit Account offers you: Ease of opening account for individual customers (Malaysians.

  1. Fixed Deposit Rates In Usa
  2. Public Bank Fixed Deposit Rate 2019
Public bank fixed deposit rates promotion

Updated OCT 2020

What is the interest rate for fixed deposit in public bankFixed

Public Bank Fixed Deposit (PLUS Fixed Deposit Rates)

Tenure(Months)BOARD RATES % (p.a.)
1 mth1.70%
2 mths1.70%
3 mth1.75%
4 mths1.75%
5 mth1.75%
6 mths1.80%
7 mth1.80%
8 mths1.80%
9 mth1.80%
10 mths1.80%
11 mth1.80%
12 mths1.85%
13-60 mthNegotiable

PB Golden 50 PLUS Fixed Deposit

Tenure(Months)BOARD RATES % (p.a.)
1 mth1.80%
2 mths1.80%
3 mth1.85%
4 mths1.85%
5 mth1.85%
6 mths1.90%
7 mth1.90%
8 mths1.90%
9 mth1.90%
10 mths1.90%
11 mth1.90%
12 mths1.95%
15 mth1.95%
18 mth1.95%
24 mth1.95%
36 mth1.95%
48 mth1.95%
60 mth1.95%

PB eFixed Deposit Rates

Tenure(Months)BOARD RATES % (p.a.)
1 mth1.70%
2 mths1.70%
3 mth1.75%
4 mths1.75%
5 mth1.75%
6 mths1.80%
7 mth1.80%
8 mths1.80%
9 mth1.80%
10 mths1.80%
11 mth1.80%
12 mths1.85%
15 mth1.85%
18 mth1.85%
24 mth1.85%
36 mth1.85%
48 mth1.85%
60 mth1.85%

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Public Bank Fixed Deposit Rate 2019